Sunday, February 10, 2008

30 minutes

It Takes Only Thirty Minutes a Day
by Barbara Stockwell

A few weeks ago I read an article about the importance of studying scriptures, so I set my alarm for thirty minutes earlier every day. Then I remembered I should write in my journal every day, so I stayed up a half-hour later each night. Then last week in Relief Society we were admonished to exercise daily to keep our bodies fit, so I got up a little earlier each day to jog.Later in the week, I read a magazine article that promised me beautiful skin in only fifteen minutes a day, and another one said that a half-hour a day of meditation could change my life. A self-help book told me I should spend at least thirty minutes a day visualizing my desires and repeating positive affirmations. I had to get up earlier to do this.Still, I was able to squeeze other activities into my already heavily scheduled day. I learned to do the pelvic tilt to relieve my lower back pain while driving to work. And I did my isometric exercises while at my desk. I cut my lunch hour in half in order to read the Ensign. In only half an hour a day I was able to finish it before the next one came . . .except for the conference issue. For that I stayed up a little at night and read, after my goal planning was done. Another women's magazine said I could give myself professional nail care in only ten minutes a day. It also suggested that a foot soak after work would do wonders to relieve tiredness. I tried to do that while I was preparing dinner, but I got so relaxed I kept dropping the carrot sticks in the gravy. Dinner would have to be delayed a little, and that would push bedtime back about a half-hour. But it was all worth it; I was becoming a new woman. I learned in a class on success that the only way to make it in life is to write a "to do" list each night and then review it every morning to set priorities for the day. It only takes a few minutes and saves a lot of time in the long run. And did you know that if you spend only an extra forty-five minutes a day on housework you never have to get bogged down in spring cleaning?It is marvelous how many things can be done in such a short time, and I would feel negligent if I said I couldn't find those few minutes. After all, is a few minutes a day for all that improvement too much to ask? I can always set the alarm a little earlier.But last night as I was setting the alarm after my prayers I realized it was time to get up and jog. Maybe I should make out a new schedule---it will only take a few minutes .

Barbara Stockwell, mother of four and a social worker, teaches Relief Society lessons in her Springfield, Oregon, ward. Ensign/July 1982.
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“One does not accumulate but eliminate. It is not daily increase but daily decrease. The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity.” ~Bruce Lee


Travelin'Oma said...

I think we need your enrichment survey in our ward! I've visited all three of your blogs, and I like them all. Your family history blog is especially inspiring. Thanks for commenting on my blog, so I'd know where to find you. I love having new readers, because it gives me new reads!

Jan said...

Love that so much. I want to be more simple.

Adam Murphy said...

This was great...and it sounded so familiar! There are so many things to do each day & I have had to remind myself to prioritize my life according to what I can do, not what others are doing. Once I simplified my life and found what works for me I have become a lot happier person.

I like what was in this week's RS lesson from the prophet Joseph Smith:

The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it

I was reminded to step back from everything & realize what is important.


molly said...

Jesus is as 'simple' as it gets. Chieko said,"if I know how you feel about Jesus I am much less concerned about many other things."

Marty, Jan, Jamie, Thank you for commenting!